
what! know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Temporary Tattoos For Different Events

The beauty of temporary tattoos is you can use them for different events and they are going to be effective no matter what the purpose is. This is especially true if you're going to use them to raise the team spirit or as giveaways at fundraising events making these tattoos the perfect complement to events.
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo - Make It Temporary
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo - Make It Temporary

It raises team spirit because it's something that you can wear and fans usually like wearing things that can help them relate to the team that they're supporting. They are also a great idea for fundraising events because they are inexpensive and can easily help you send your message across. But what if I want to make my own temporary tattoo for a specific event? Are there temporary tattoos that work best for specific events? Here are some sample events and the temporary tattoos that go well with it.

cherry blosome temporary tattoo
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo - Make It Temporary
1. Events for kids Events are not reserved for adults. There are a lot of times, wherein, you have to organize an event for kids. Some examples are birthday parties, slumber parties, Halloween parties and the likes. Sure I can make my own temporary tattoo regardless of the design, and kids will be asking for one. But in making impermanent tattoos the life of the party, you can customize them to something that kids can relate to. That means keeping these tattoos General Patronage. You can make designs of animals, insects, and cartoons. Basically, just about anything colorful will work.

2. Gender specific events
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo - Make It Temporary
There are events specifically for men and events for women. If it's just a social event, you can just make gender specific tattoos. There are a lot of masculine and feminine designs to choose from. For men, you can make temporary tattoos of skulls, dragons, snakes or anything that project toughness. For women, you can choose from hearts, angels or flowers.
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo - Make It Temporary

3. Sporting events
If I personally want to make my own temporary tattoo for a sporting event, it's going to be easy. Just take into consideration that you're going to use them to raise team spirit and that's it. You can make these tattoos with your team's mascot or just about any call to action to support your team. A simple "Go Team Fight!" will suffice.
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo - Make It Temporary

4. Fundraising events
This event is the most challenging. There are bigger things at stake, and usually a fundraiser's success depends a lot on it. But you can easily do it. Making temporary tattoos for fundraising events is just a matter of passion and belief in what you're trying to accomplish. Once you have it, it's going to be easy because everyone's there to support the cause. So if I want to make my own impermanent tattoo for an event, all I need to do is to partner up with someone who I can depend on to deliver if I can't make it myself.

Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo
Cherry Blosome Temporary Tattoo - Make It Temporary

Now that you have some ideas for specific events, it's just a matter of making the tattoos. The good thing about it is you don't have to do it yourself. You can just submit your ideas to a dependable temporary tattoo manufacturer and they will help you succeed in your endeavor.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3597049


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