
what! know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Are Custom Temporary Tattoos Worth Their Prices?

You were a kid before. There's a good chance that you loved temporary tattoos as a child. Unfortunately, you didn't have your own money back then so you had to ask for money from your parents to buy them. Well, you're not alone because a lot of kids asked their parents for money to buy fake tattoos. Unfortunately, most kids were met with a resounding, "No!" Being practical, your parents probably said that you shouldn't be wasting your money on them.

In the past, parents had a valid reason to think why they're a waste of money. After all, the designs were very limited and the quality was so bad that adults didn't really appreciate them. Add the fact that they are temporary tattoos made parents question their worth even more. They'll be gone in a few days and they feel that the kids will be throwing money that way.

Fortunately, temporary tattoos survived this lack of support. They not only survived, but they also developed to be better. Manufacturers probably realized that they had to do something so that people will see fake tattoos as worthy of their price tags. Better designs were made and they also offered versatility in choosing the design. In fact, the popular trend nowadays is custom temporary tattoos. You can come up with your own idea for the design and a good manufacturer can take care of it for you.

Of course, fake tattoos are more expensive nowadays. This is especially true for custom temporary tattoos. So are they worth their prices? Well, it's true that they're more expensive than before. But you can check out trusted manufacturers and you'll find out that the prices are very competitive. You also have to take into consideration the fact that they're now used for different purposes. People have taken advantage of the fact that they're very versatile. You can easily use them for events if you want to raise funds or team spirit. You have to know that a lot of event organizers are raving about their popularity when used as giveaways at these events. Since they're very effective, you can safely say that they're worth the price.

Of course, not all fake tattoos are inexpensive. A good example is the Chanel temporary tattoos. They became very popular when stars like Lindsay Lohan, Sarah Jessica Parker and Ashley Greene wore them. In addition, Chanel doesn't need any introductions so it's clear why they're very popular. Fans of custom temporary tattoos immediately did research to find out where they can buy them. However, a lot of them were shocked when they saw that they have to shell out $75 for a pack of 5 Chanel temporary tattoos.
Are they worth it? It is if you have the money. There's no question that they look great. In fact, a lot of entertainment websites reported that Lindsay Lohan had new permanent tattoos when they saw the fake tattoos. They'll do an awesome job as an accessory and they're perfect for parties and the likes.

Unfortunately, most people won't be able to afford them. Let's face it. $75 is a little too expensive for 5 custom temporary tattoos. In fact, you can already get 500 custom-designed fake tattoos at a lesser price. A better idea is to sponsor an event that's for a good cause. You can take care of the giveaways and customize a design that can help them get their message across using the tattoos.

Another good idea is to use them yourself. There are a lot of ways on how you can use them. If you have a business, you can use them as a marketing tool. You have a family member who's having a party soon? Use them as party favors. That's the beauty of custom temporary tattoos. The possibilities are endless.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5836957


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