
what! know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Thursday, June 19, 2014

DIY Temporary Tattoos Made Easy

If you are interested in body art, but do not want to take the plunge and get a tattoo or piercing, then temporary tattoos could be a great way for you to experiment without committing to anything permanent. There are many kits and transfers out there to help you apply these temporary adornments to your body, but if you really want to get creative then you might prefer to learn how to make your very ow temporary tattoos. It is much easier than you might think and requires just a few items which are readily available from most craft stores. Let's take a look at some easy ways to create a temporary tattoo. 

Using Regular Make-up

One of the most basic ways of applying a temporary tattoo is to use ordinary eyeliner from your day to day make-up kit. You can sketch out your ideas on paper before trying it out on your skin, but keep in mind that bold, simple strokes will be the most striking. Detailed designs are likely to smudge. Smaller designs will look more authentic than large ones so think carefully about the effect you hope to create. Once you are happy with the design, choose a basic eyeliner pencil that is not oily or shiny. Black will create striking lines, but there is no reason not to incorporate other colors to add interest. Draw your design onto clean, dry skin and then spray with hairspray to set the tattoo. An eyeliner tattoo will wash off easily with warm soapy water.

Using Transfer Paper

When you think about temporary tattoos it is likely that the paper transfer style will come to mind. It is very easy to create your own designs for this type of tattoo. All you need to do is purchase some water slide paper from a craft store. Use photoshop or a similar piece of design software to come up with a distinctive design for your tattoo. You need to remember that the tattoo will be in reverse once applied to the skin which is particularly important if you are including lettering. Then all you need to do is print out the deign onto the water slide paper making sure that the ink is printed on the adhesive side. Simply cut out the design, remove the backing paper and apply to the skin using a damp cloth. This type of tattoo will last around a week. If you do not have a printer then you can draw the design using gel pens, but the tattoo will not last as long.

Stencilled Tattoos

It is also possible to create tattoos using stencils. Two common ways to do so include filling the stencil with body glue and adding glitter, or coloring the stencil in using body paints. Some people will eve choose to use airbrushing to fill in these stencils. Depending on the materials used this style of temporary tattoo can last anywhere between 2 and 10 days.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8272237


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