
what! know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Test Your Tattoo First With Temporary Tattoos

Not yet certain if getting a tattoo is for you? There are ways you can try before you buy. One such way being getting a temporary tattoo.

Years ago, temporary tattoos were found everywhere, from quarter machines to bubble gum wrappers and everything in between.
Today, technology has expanded and you can now get custom temporary tattoos at many shops across North America, including kiosks in local malls. Many tattoo shops will even carry a large selection of washable tattoos to help in your selection. Not to mention now being able to buy them in bulk online or pick and select from a place like e-Bay.

Now you can test and see if a tattoo is really for you before you commit to a permanent one. The temporary ones come in all sorts of designs and can be applied almost everywhere on the body. The days of temp tats being for kids is gone, now adults can adorn their bodies with tattoos of all shapes and sizes, without the pain and permanency of getting an actual tattoo.

Removable tattoos are also an excellent way to test out designs, and placement before getting the real thing.

If you are unsure exactly where you want your tattoo to go or what tattoo would be best for you, test a few out first. Even try it out in a few different places before settling on the real needle and ink tattoo. Don't like the non-permanent one? just wash it off and try another, till you find the one that is just perfect for you, and one that you are willing to have on your body permanently.

Overall, temporary tattoos are the best option for those who are unsure what they want, or where they want it. It is a great first step in acquiring a permanent tattoo. Just make sure you have a copy of the temporary one to present to your tattoo artist when the time is right to get it in permanent ink.

Before you commit to the pain and permanency of a real tattoo, try out a temporary tattoo and see what works best for you. Afterall, a temporary tattoo carries with it no risk to your skin or your health, and if you don't like it you just wash it away. It is key to remember temporary tattoos wash off, permanent ones are just that, permanent, so make your choice wisely.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5561593


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