
what! know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Are Temporary Tattoos Safe?

There are few among us who don't recognize the inherent "cool factor" in having a tattoo. These works of art allow us to express ourselves in a relatively unique way. In addition, there's little doubt that these tattoos will garner some second glances. Unfortunately, these aren't always the safest things in the world. Permanent tattoos, and even some temporary ones, can cause lasting health effects that definitely aren't worth the trouble. This is why it's important for every consumer to understand their tattooing decision before making it.
Dangers of Permanent Tattoos

While many people see certain advantages to permanent tattoos, there are definitely many out there who regret ever getting them. The problem with permanent tattoos is that they're permanent, and this means that no matter what happens or how lifestyles change in the future, that tattoo will still be there. Some tattoos can be removed, but unfortunately, some may not be able to be taken off without leaving significant scar tissue. Sadly, there are still other health consequences related to this type of body art.
Anyone who has ever gotten a piercing has heard the warnings related to the possibility of infection, but with tattoos, there's an even greater chance. Blood banks, for instance, won't even take blood from a person who has gotten a tattoo in the past year. In addition, the pigments in tattoos can cause allergic reactions. The scary part is that these pigments are under a person's skin, so they can be especially difficult to remove to stop the reaction.

Are Temporary Tattoos Safe?
There's no doubt that temporary tattoos provide a safer and much less permanent alternative to traditional tattoos. Sure, the non-permanent factor is appealing to many people, but the health benefits are a great selling point too. It's important to note, however, that not all temporary tattoos are created equally, and those considering one need to buy from reputable vendors such as Tattoo You.

From rub-ons to henna tattoos, there are some that could present as many risks as permanent tatts.
Early in 2013, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came out with a warning related to temporary tattoos. The ink used in many tattoos is completely safe, and those who get this type of body artwork often have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, some businesses, companies or even beach-side vendors are adding additional ingredients to their ink in an effort to make the tattoo look darker. While this may be more visually appealing, it can be dangerous.

The FDA points out that some temporary tattoos, especially the henna type, are having paraphenylenediamine (PPD) added to them. This is a substance found in hair dyes, but unfortunately, it can cause allergic reactions when applied to the skin. These reactions can include redness, scarring, blisters and even open sores. Redness and even blisters may seem like an acceptable risk, but the permanent scarring that a person can develop from using temporary tattoo ink from a non-reputable business is definitely a side-effect that's not worth having.

Getting a tattoo is an exciting thing, but in addition to the forementioned health issues, many people simply end up regretting the permanent nature of them after their tastes change over the years. Luckily, temporary tattoos are a safe alternative, but it's important for every person to ensure that they get their temporary tattoo from a reputable provider or manufacturer. From henna to rub-on tattoos, going with a respectable company will ensure that a person avoids all of the health issues they think they skipped by choosing temporary over permanent tattoos.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8278899


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