
what! know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Should I Get A Tattoo?

As tattoos have grown in popularity and social acceptance, you may have confusion "Should I get a tattoo or not". If there is something that you really love, then a tattoo is a great way to show off how you feel. There are various reasons to get a tattoo and not to. I think there is no reason not to get a tattoo, if it's for fun.

There are many reasons why people wish to have tattoo on their body. Some important reasons are listed below;

Memories of loved ones - this is one of the most common reasons to get a tattoo on your body for your lifetime. The loved one may be dead or alive. Whatever, this type of tattoo depicts the love inside you for that person.

Religious - another common tattoo is the religious tattoo. Many people get these tattoos as a sign of their devotion to their beliefs.

Passions - if there is something you are really passionate about, then go get the tattoo on you. For example, it may be a sports team or any game. Personal passions are fairly few.

To express ones personality, they use tattoos.

To indicate membership of a particular group, tribe, or way of life.

To make a statement.

To make their body more pleasing to themselves.

To annoy their parents or relatives.

Just for fun.

These reasons listed above are just common. There may be a different reason for getting a tattoo as people vary. You can hear a different and funny reason from some people who had tattooed or wish to be.

As there are reasons to get a tattoo, there are reasons not to get it too. Some reasons not to get a permanent tattoo are listed below;

According to a recent study, the risk of contracting hepatitis C increases significantly among people who have tattoos on them.

It's very expensive and painful to remove a permanent tattoo once it's done.

Tattoo removal can take up to two years.

The expense of tattoo removal may vary from $3000 to $8000.

Tattoo ink cannot be completely removed.

Multicolored tattoo is nearly impossible or may take 4-5 laser treatments to remove.

Tattooing may result in many skin infections.


Things "NOT TO DO" while getting a tattoo:

Do not get a tattoo in any place that can be seen by others. You may regret it later. Even though tattoos are more acceptable these days, there are still liabilities while applying for a job.

Do not get a tattoo in the name of your boyfriend/girlfriend unless you get a ring on your finger. 99% love relations at present are failures. So, don't do anything stupid that you'll regret in your future.

Do not get a tattoo based on bad memories. Memorializing bad memories is not good for your mental health.

The expense of tattoo removal may vary from $3000 to $8000.

Do not get a tattoo to show that you are a unique individual. If you do so, you will be proving that you are not, like the "other unique individuals."

Do not get a tattoo for any reasons. If you want to memorize anything in your life, there are many other ways like, writing it down, or taking photographs or just remembering it.

Tattooing may result in many skin infections.


The truth is, none of these "DO NOT'S" matters if you really want to get a tattoo, except for people's judgments. If you really want to do it, go right ahead. You are the only one who has to deal with it throughout your life. Try to pick a good and experienced tattoo artist. Make sure to see the original photographs of the work done by the artist you pick. It'll be better to go to someone whose work you have seen in person. Tattoos are great, if it's for fun. But, go for temporary tattoos instead of permanent. You can save a lot of money, pain and regret in future if you do so.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7232012

Temporary Tattoos—Way to Look Apart in Crowd

They are drawn or painted on the skin for one’s self-satisfaction or advertising. They have become very popular even among teenagers since they are cheap and can be easily washed off. Some temporary tattoos are used as a ritual say like in the Muslim community. Especially during wedding ceremonies you find the bride with henna tattoos in almost all parts of the body. This thus becomes something that is a part of them and to them it has become a lifestyle.

Tattoo making is like a fashion these days. So, with the change in fashion the techniques of making a tattoo is also changing and becoming better and better. In the past they were just made for kids and would peel of after contact with water. Today the kind of temporary tattoos available have been made uniquely. They are long lasting, beautiful and easy to use. Even the method used to place the image on the skin is different. The tattoo is left on the skin for a period of up to 4 days after which it is removed. At this time the image has been well placed and looks beautiful.

What are the main elements of a temporary tattoo? There is the ink used, the front paper and the back paper, glue and the plastic cover. The desired image is printed on the front paper. The ink is what is used to provide the design and color of the image. The glue is then applied on top of the image and the plastic cover placed on top. The back paper now has the instructions to follow. The most important thing to do when placing them on your skin is to make sure you moisten the backing by wetting it totally. This makes sure the image is well printed and that it is clear.

As mentioned above, Muslim women have a ritual of printing henna tattoos on their skin mostly during wedding ceremonies. The difference with the other temporary tattoos is that the range of colors is not available for henna. It is only available in red or brown. Another thing is that the design can stay on the skin for a period of up to a month. This also depends on the method of application and the care taken during and after application. The diversity on what can be termed as a temporary tattoo is wide so it is important that for the best results you get the best quality.

Temporary tattoos can really give an amazing look, if properly applied. So, it is always recommended to hire the tattoo artist who is well known because of his/her fine work. They can give a quality work. Also they have catalogues, so you can easily select the one that you think will suit you.

Besides all these important things, it is also important to know that the artist is not going to use any harmful things to make a tattoo. That is itComputer Technology Articles, so now all you need to do is just go and have a temporary tattoo and look apart.

Temporary Tattoo Design for Girls 07

Friday, February 6, 2015

Sword Temporary Tattoo Design

Using Custom Temporary Tattoos to Promote Fashion

Years ago, it was hard to describe fake tattoos as fashionable. Let's face it. The custom temporary tattoos back then were very limited in designs. The designs were limited to the usual flowers, sun and a few animals. So it was really hard to use them as a fashion statement. No one even considered using them to promote fashion because it would look out-of-place. It was very hard to find a temporary tattoo manufacturer that had the skills and technology to make them fashionable and artistic.

But thanks to more people realizing the advantages of using fake tattoos, it is now possible. A lot of people now recognize that custom temporary tattoos are a great tool to raise team spirit. Because of this, a lot of event organizers started using them. It then further developed into a great promotional tool. So we're now seeing a lot of customized designs that we could only dream of before. Fortunately, you can easily find manufacturers who were able to keep up with the advancements. All you need to do is choose a temporary tattoo manufacturer who you can trust.

Custom temporary tattoos can now be used to promote fashion as well. Fake tattoos are very easy to customize. You can think of any design and have it created as a tattoo especially if you're going to team up with a good temporary tattoo manufacturer. As a tip, go for the manufacturer that uses a four-color process that can recreate millions of possible color combinations. This can help you produce the design that you want. So how's that going to help you? If you're in the fashion industry, then you are probably very creative. With a good manufacturer, you won't be held back by limits. You can come up with a design that is fashionable and stylish.

You can make custom impermanent tattoos as a fashion statement. Think of a design that will fit today's trends. You can even make statement fake tattoos like how they do with t-shirts. You can maybe even promote it as "Think Before You Ink" fashion. Since it's very fashionable to get tattoos these days, you can promote them as a stylish alternative to help your customers find out if permanent tattoos are for them. With the help of a good temporary tattoo manufacturer, you can come up with a lot of fashionable designs.

You can also make custom temporary tattoos to promote a clothing line. If you're about to launch one, you can give out fake tattoos bearing a design that describes your clothing line. With their help, you will have walking advertisements that are making your message viral. You can put your clothing line's name on them or maybe even a teaser message. You can also give them out at fashion shows. It's a good way to raise excitement. There's also a good chance that there will be a lot of press there so it's a good chance for you to promote your line. You can also give them out once you open your store. With the help of an experienced temporary tattoo manufacturer, you can make it happen. So let those creative juices flow and think of a design for your custom temporary tattoos.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5709114

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Cute Temporary Monkey Tattoos

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Temporary Infinity Tatttoos

Monday, February 2, 2015

Cool Temporary Foot Tattoos